Campus Life

Campus Life

Campus life is a dream that never abandons a student and is a shining beacon in front of him.A famous quote says“What you are looking for is not out there it’s in you”.We always try to find that peace and happiness outside, when it’s easily available from within through our actions. Don’t lose any opportunity to bring the best in you.
Student years in the best management college in Nagpur are always associated with such magic words as first love, fun, and youth. One can only envy those who won happiness to walk this path and experience all the joys of student life.
Campus life is often equated by other people to be as uncontrolled binge and vicious behavior. But such moments, even if they are suddenly found, are rather an exception than the rule. And it is not the lack of control but the ability to conduct free lifestyle which is the main achievement in this wonderful stage of life.
Only when a student, as a person starts to live already quite adult life that has not been yet encumbered with the usual problems of ordinary adult everyday life. Campus life is a time of open prospects, an opportunity to live the dreams of a beautiful future, faith in the fulfillment of all desires and hope to open all doors.
With due respect and importance to the Management and being a technological institution, Priyadarshini MBA has taken all the steps to equip its students with all the advantages this revolution has to offer. With its help, we have transformed Priyadarshini MBA campus into a true e-campus with a total of 400 computers connected with fiber-optic backbone networks and server-client technology. The e-campus comprises of a state-of-art Internet Centre, which remains open for 24 hours and has been connected with a 4MBPS leased line through ERNET which facilitates high-speed Internet Access and uninterrupted connectivity throughout the campus.
We take every effort to encourage our students to participate in various social, cultural and sports activities. The college has its own cricket, football and volleyball grounds. It also has 1500 sq. ft. modernstyle well-equipped gymnasium. Table Tennis, Carom, and Wrestling facilities are also provided. Our students have participated and won a number of prizes at Inter-Collegiate, University, State and National levels. MIT Pune has successfully organized several sports tournaments including Inter-Engineering Athletic Meet, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis tournaments, Zonal level Boxing, Badminton, Chess tournaments and Inter-Professional College Volleyball, Basketball tournaments, and so on. Summit – A National Level Inter-Engineering Meet Robocon Student Corner

National Service Scheme (NSS)

NSS programmay have expanded both qualitatively and quantitatively over the years. A review committee was set up by the Government of India in August 1984. One of the important recommendations of the committee was that the programme of NSS had great potential and the past experience of National Service Scheme is quite heartening. It has provided diversified opportunities to students in schools/colleges and universities to develop their personality through community service, therefore, should continue and expand.